Yesterday, my cousin came across a post on Facebook about a family who tragically lost a child and they were choosing to donate his organs. You can read the story here. The father was asking if anyone knew of a child in need of an organ transplant, so she messaged him and eventually we were able to get in touch with a hospital worker who took down all of Jaxsons info to see if they are a match. We are still waiting to see if this will happen, but no matter the outcome, i’m so thankful that this family even considered to donate their child’s organs. This is such a traumatic time in their life, yet they still made the selfless decision to help other children. Pediatric organ donation is not as common as adult organ donation because most parents won’t consider making such a hard decision while still grieving the loss of their child. Please keep this family in your thoughts and prayers as they are dealing with this tragic loss.

Jaxsons transplant journey is such a bittersweet one. Unfortunately, the organs he needs cannot come from a living donor. Its so hard knowing that a child has to pass away in order for him to live a normal, healthy life. It really weighs heavy on my mind sometimes. I hope that Jaxsons story helps advocate for the need of pediatric organ donations. I am forever grateful for every single family who chooses the option of organ donation. To give someone the gift of life is truly remarkable.

As far as an update on Jaxson; he is still doing great! He had a GI appointment today, he has gained 5 pounds in the last month, which makes him 25 pounds! She is still leaving him NPO (nothing by mouth) as it seems to actually be helping. But, his liver is really taking a hit with the continuous TPN and not eating anything his bilirubin levels continue to rise. We go back in 4 weeks to see if maybe we can reduce the calories in his TPN so he can be off TPN for a few hours a day and hopefully give his liver a break. He is still doing well in school, he absolutely loves going everyday. Today marks one week with no pacifier! He doesn’t even want it anymore. And tomorrow is school picture day, so thats pretty exciting. 🙂

The daily views on this blog have significantly increased over the last few days. Most of them being in the United States, as well as seven other countries. That amazes me. Thank you for taking the time out of your day to read Jaxsons story!