On Thursday February 15th we received the call we had been waiting 3 years for. Jaxsons transplant team in Pittsburgh found a perfect match for him. A million thoughts and emotions immediately flooded my mind. This is it, this is what we have been waiting for. Nothing could prepare me for that phone call. Nothing. We flew out of Arizona on a MedFlight around 8pm and arrived in Pittsburgh three hours later. That night/early morning consisted of a lot of labs and a chest X-ray followed by 4 hours of sleep. We were woken up by one of the transplant surgeons around 7:45 who told us surgery was definitely happening and it would be around 3pm. There was a chance that the team could go procure the organs and find that they’re not viable or suitable for transplant, so to keep myself from getting my hopes up i kept saying “it’s not transplant time until he’s getting wheeled back to the OR.” And when his nurse came running down the hallway saying “Get ready, we’re going” all those emotions came flooding back and i had a hard time keeping it together. This is it. It’s really happening. Jaxson was taken to the OR waiting area around 4 and wheeled back around 4:30. The surgery can last anywhere from 8-16 hours. He’s got a long road ahead of him, but just look where he’s already been. He’s a warrior.

I am incredibly amazed at the strength of our donor family and forever grateful for their decision to donate life.


3 thoughts on “The call.

  1. You are a warrior too, Jaxson is lucky to have a mom that fights so hard for him. I know you have a long road ahead of you, I’ll keep you, Jaxson and everyone involved in my prayers!


  2. With eyes full of tears and warmth in my heart, this is a dream come true for many people. This little warrior is so blessed. Thank God and prayers for the parents of the child they lost but still lives on in Jaxson. Your family is truly blessed and surrounded by love. This is another beginning. Love and prayers.


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